After word got out about Shia LaBeouf and his pathetic opening weekend for Man Down, rumors have surfaced about his beef with a bowling alley.
You can groan about our “beef” pun all you want (La Beouf, after all, means “the beef” in French), but you know as well as we do that if anyone deserves terrible puns thrown at him, it’s Shia LaBeouf. Who knew that a Disney child star would lose his mind in his older years and become a complete raving lunatic? It’s not like that’s ever happened before. (/sarcasm)
Anyway, Heat Street brings us the scoop about Shia LaBeouf and his latest L. After his new film, Man Down, opened to a dismal box office gross of about $25 (or the cost of dinner with appetizers at TGI Friday’s), Shia handled it the way any of us would: by creating a scene in a Los Angeles bowling alley.
And, God bless the internet, there’s video of this hilariously sad display of child star meltdown. Check it out below.
It all started when LaBeouf decided that he was going to order some delicious french fries to go along with his game of bowling at the appropriately-named Pinz in Studio City (just outside of Los Angeles). For whatever reason, the bartender decided that Shia’s demand for patates frites was just too diva-like, and she refused to serve him.
The next thing everyone knew, Shia was hurling invective at the bartender, who is apparently a “f—ing racist,” according to Mr. The Beef, who was pounding back beers before he exploded in anger.
And since the Internet Gods always provide, there was another cameraman catching Shia in all his insane glory! And we provide you with the hilarity below.
Next: Shia LaBeouf almost starred in 'Suicide Squad'
Perhaps the funniest part of this whole disaster was that after LaBeouf stormed off from the scene, he came running back to return his rented bowling shoes. Hilarious!