Ranking all 25 WrestleMania matches of The Undertaker

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6. The Undertaker vs. Edge – WrestleMania XXIV

The second of those seven consecutive great matches came the following year in Orlando at WrestleMania XXIV against the Rated-R Superstar, Edge, who would become one of my favorite opponents of The Undertaker as the year progressed. The two would have some phenomenal matches throughout 2008 and it all started on the grandest stage of them all.

The Undertaker had earned a shot at Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship by winning the Elimination Chamber match in February and this one was fun right from the start. I was in the live crowd for this battle and we were engaged throughout this final match of the evening. The Undertaker used his power to get the advantage early and went for “Old School” pretty quickly but Edge was able to throw him from the top rope. ‘Taker then rolled right through it and hit a knee in the corner. But his momentum sent him to the outside and Edge took advantage,  knocking him into the barricade, putting the focus on The Undertaker’s back as he sent him into the post.

Back in the ring, Edge hit a dropkick but the action went back to the outside as Edge went to the top rope but got shoved off and ‘Taker followed him out by doing his plancha over the top rope and it was another good one. He later attempted a Last Ride but sold the back injury pretty well and things got worse for him when Edge threw him over the security wall into the front row. When Edge got him back in the ring, he continued to put the focus on his back in some nice storytelling and slapped on a single-leg Boston Crab. The two slugged it out shortly after with ‘Taker coming out on top and he hit a couple of splashes but Edge seemed to have a counter for everything as he hit a great dropkick to offset the big boot. ‘Taker went for a chokeslam but Edge countered with his leaping DDT. ‘Taker tried “Old School” again but Edge countered that and hit a superplex. Edge was even able to counter the Last Ride out of the corner with a neckbreaker. FINALLY!!!

The Undertaker finally did connect with “Old School” and a Last Ride but it wasn’t enough to finish Edge off. ‘Taker tried another big boot but hit the referee instead and Edge grabbed a camera and smashed ‘Taker with it before trying the Tombstone but ‘Taker turned that into one of his own and Charles Robinson came sprinting down the ramp for a great near fall. I could have done without the interference from Ryder and Hawkins but they got a quick beating anyway. But Edge used that advantage to hit a nice spear in another great two count. Edge hit another one but ‘Taker slapped on Hell’s Gate and Edge finally tapped out after close to 24 minutes. As great as this match was, they would actually get better throughout the summer, if you can believe that. But this was still a fantastic match to close WrestleMania XXIV. 16-0.