The NBA boasts some of the most ridiculous athletes in the world. This is easily proven by watching the best dunks in any given season. Here are the top five of 2016-17.
Compiling a list of the top five anything in life is always going to be difficult. Try arguing with a co-worker about who is the top five best quarterbacks of all time. See if you and your friends can agree on the top five basketball players of all time, heck, even the top five at a certain position. Go ahead and definitively name your top five movies of the past year. It’s a fool’s errand. There will always be someone or something you missed.
In the NBA, there are approximately one million dunks per season (don’t quote me on that). There are so many that a few that you may want to see on this list have been left out. To assuage your future frustrations, first is a small list of the dunks that just missed the cut.
Karl-Anthony Towns vs. Toronto
Now, let’s go onto the the dunks that met or exceeded the criteria.