Overwatch ‘Uprising’ event debuts a long, mission-based brawl

Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment /

Overwatch’s newest event, “Uprising,” doesn’t just give us new skins and sprays. It introduces us to a new unique brawl.

Around a week ago, Overwatch’s Twitter teased a new event on the horizon having to do with an 7-year-old mission that the Overwatch team undertook at King’s Row.

The “Uprising” event hit all platforms today, treating players to new limited time skins, sprays, highlight intros, and all the regular in-game cosmetic items.

Overwatch released a trailer for the event, giving us a glimpse at what these look like.

The trailer also gives us a look at the new brawl mode that accompanies the event. Called Insurrection, the brawl is a co-op, player vs. environment type game. Players have the option to only choose four heroes: Tracer, Reinhardt, Mercy or Torbjorn. Together, the four heroes have to work together to take out hoards of Omnics who are attacking the city of King’s Row.

Overwatch has dabbled in PvE mode once before with the Junkenstein’s Revenge brawl during last year’s Halloween event. However, Insurrection has taken Overwatch’s PvE to the next level.

While the idea is still the same at its core — players have to fight off waves of enemies — the action doesn’t just take place in one static location. Insurrection presents itself in multiple stages. First, players have to capture a series of points. Then, following vocal instructions from Soldier 76 and Ana, players are directed to secure a payload. The payload needs to be repaired by Torbjorn before it can go anywhere, during which waves of Omnics attack, and then it has to be escorted to a certain location.

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The enemies in Insurrection also take a variety of forms. Some are two-legged robots, some are wielding shields, and some look and attack exactly like Bastion.

Overall, Insurrection has taken Overwatch to another refreshing level. You can play Insurrection, and work towards obtaining all the new skins and items until May 1.