Because when Grimlock decides to perform an important task, don’t be surprised if it turns out wrong but still awesome.
Beast Wars characters have arrived in Transformers: Earth Wars, even though in the narrative of Backflip Studios and Space Ape Games’ popular mobile title, they were never supposed to show up at all.
Let’s back up a step. In the latest chapter of the real time combat strategy game’s ongoing story, Grimlock decided to take it upon himself to bring some Transformers from the future into the fray. Only Grimlock being … well, Grimlock, he ended up bringing in bots from the past instead.
Luckily for gamers and fans, that means Beast Wars characters like Optimus Primal and Megatron T-Rex are now available as playable characters for anyone with a Level 4 or higher HQ who plays through new in-game story events. Need a primer for these bots? Say no more, as we’ve got a character gallery just for you.
Optimus Primal

The leader of the heroic Maximals, Optimus Primal has proven to be just as loyal and noble as Optimus Prime. He’s also a bit more willing to go off book, outside the box or whatever other cliche you prefer.
Megatron T-Rex

Also known to longtime fans simply as Beast Wars Megatron, the commander of the Predacons takes his name from the Decepticon villain and shares his same lust for total conquest. Plus he transforms into a T-Rex, which is cool even for a bad guy.
Of course there are other bots who transform into dinosaurs too, and Earth Wars is giving the Dinobots a chance to shine as well. Here’s a quick look at their in-game character designs and brief bios courtesy of the game’s devs.

"A rampaging force of nature, Grimlock is the most feared and powerful of the Dinobots, as irascible and savage as the T-Rex his beast mode is modeled on."

"Despite his plodding, lumbering gait and bulldozer-like approach to anything in his way, Slog is a gentle and even shy ‘bot at heart. But conscious of his bellicose fellow Dinobots, and wary of their scorn, he keeps his sensitive side hidden."

"Considering he’s one of the good ‘bots, Slug is as nasty and mean-spirited as they come, and resents everyone from Optimus Prime down."

"Surly and uncommunicative, a loner by nature, Snarl is about as far from a team player as you can get. But in a group comprised of misfits and malcontents, he somehow fits right in. And though he follows orders (grudgingly), what keeps him in line is the promise of mortal combat — and lashings of it."
Beast Wars and Dinobots? Sounds alright to us.
If you haven’t started playing Transformers: Earth Wars yet, there’s no better time than now to grab it for free from the iOS App Store or Google Play for Android.