It’s May which means the second round of the NBA playoffs are upon us. Certainly a great time of year for basketball… and a great time of year for El’s birthday! Turns out El shares a bday with many important people, the most notable being the Brodie of the BRODIE — Ray Westbrook. While a Ray/El pod would have been ideal, we decided to dedicate this week’s podcast to The Truth. The one, the only – Paul Pierce.
Few of us were mentally prepared to lose the Truth so early in the playoffs (thanks, no thanks Doc). It got us thinking. What do we really know about Paul Pierce? We came to the joint conclusion… not enough. El (@eswagedorn) and Al (@AliCShow) dove deep into research. It came out that Al already knew a lot because Paul Pierce played at Kansas. But still, it was a journey and now we know The Truth.
We start with Paul Pierce’s LA roots and discuss how he came to love Boston and the Patriots. We also uncover a hidden friendship with Donnie Wahlberg which led to Al’s confession that she is obsessed with CBS’s Blue Bloods. We name Pierce the Halloween MVP of the NBA and talk about his general affinity for wigs and llama selfies. Most importantly, we explain why he is called The Truth. Not surprisingly, Shaq was involved…
To further honor the former Jayhawk, we end with a trivia game. El quizzes Al on all the former Kansas players in the NBA. And there are a lot to choose from! Find out which former KU star steals cookies from the media and which one had a retirement petition. That is, a petition asking them, begging them to retire.
Next: 30 worst NBA playoff teams of all time
We strongly encourage you to play along! Best of luck this week in the Post-Truth NBA!