First teaser trailer for Far Cry 5 released

Official still from Far Cry 5 teaser trailer; image courtesy of Ubisoft US.
Official still from Far Cry 5 teaser trailer; image courtesy of Ubisoft US. /

A new teaser trailer for Far Cry 5 has been released and all we know is that it’ll be set in Hope County, Montana. Full trailer dropping on Friday.

With the success of past games in the Far Cry series, a new entry is really a no-brainer. To be more specific, Far Cry 3 is one of the best games we’ve ever played. Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal were definitely enjoyable, but not nearly as good as Far Cry 3. We’re hoping that Far Cry 5 returns to that same level of greatness. The first teaser trailer just dropped and, as usual, the teaser doesn’t show much. It does give us an idea of just how big the world will be, though. We’ll also be getting a full trailer on Friday.

Far Cry 5 is a game that fans have been looking forward to for a while now. Although it was recently announced, it isn’t surprising that it’s in development. From the teaser, we can see that we’ll be exploring a huge and vast world. We’re getting plenty of open world vibes, like every game in the series. It really is going to be a ton of fun to explore. One thing we know is that the theme will be very southern and country.

Check out the teaser for yourself below:

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Like we said, there isn’t much to talk about from the teaser. We just see a huge world to run around in and explore. We’re sure that the story will be very interesting and that there will be a variety of missions to play through.

It’s currently unknown whether we’ll see actual gameplay or just a cinematic trailer. We’ll be fine with either since we already know that the game is happening. We may even see more coverage at E3 2017 since a 2017 release date is a possibility.

Be sure to check out the announce trailer this Friday, May 26.