Jeff Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind off top of cage at Extreme Rules (Video)

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Jeff Hardy was the first man out of the cage at WWE Extreme Rules 2017, but re-entered in typical fashion with a huge dive off the top of the steel cage

From the moment that Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy (The Hardy Boyz, obviously) were announced for a steel cage match against Sheamus and Cesaro at WWE Extreme Rules 2017, the expectations were there. This is, after all, the most extreme tag team in WWE history. Thus, the bar was already raised for one of the Hardys to do something crazy. And frankly, most expected that it’d be Jeff Hardy doing such things.

However, that expectation somewhat changed midway through the match. With the stipulation being that both men had to escape, Jeff was the first one to climb out of the cage. Thus, it seemed like he might not get the chance to do something insane. That, of course, was a wrong assumption.

Sheamus and Cesaro began to unleash a brutal double-team attack on Matt. Subsequently, Jeff Hardy couldn’t stand idly by. After Sheamus hit a monstrous White Noise off the top rope, aided by Cesaro, Jeff began climbing back into the cage.

He ascended to the corner and, looking out at the crowd, did as he’s done so many times before. Jeff got his wits about him and then uncorked an enormous Whisper in the Wind off the top of the cage, taking out both of his opponents:

There’s no question that was the biggest, most exciting moment of the match. Unfortunately, it also happened to be the moment that cost The Hardy Boyz the match.

Next: WWE Extreme Rules 2017: Full match results, highlights

Jeff was incapacitated after the huge dive, while Cesaro and Sheamus had taken less damage and recovered quicker. Thus, it was a race between the challengers climbing out of the cage and Matt pulling Jeff out of the door. It was a close finish, but Sheasaro ultimately hit the floor first to become the new WWE RAW Tag Team Champions.

Still, that was one hell of a spot by Jeff Hardy.