WWE Extreme Rules 2017 results: No. 1 Contender Fatal 5-Way video highlights

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What happened in the No. 1 Contender Fatal 5-Way at WWE Extreme Rules 2017 between Roman Reigns, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt?

Brock Lesnar hasn’t been seen on WWE RAW since WrestleMania 33. But with the Beast Incarnate nearing his return, he needed a challenger for the WWE Universal Championship. Thus, RAW General Manager Kurt Angle made a match for WWE Extreme Rules 2017. There would be a Fatal 5-Way to determine the No. 1 Contender between Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins and — of course — Roman Reigns.

The match started with a brawl, except for The Big Dog, who stood in the corner waiting for the fight to come to him. That remained the case when the action spilled to the outside, Reigns stalking his four competitors on the inside. Ultimately, that led to a face off between Reigns and Wyatt. However, it wasn’t long before Balor took control.

Balor let every one of his opponents take turn feeling what he’s capable of. He dished out stomps to all of them, sending the lot to the outside. The man inhabited by a demon then took flight, taking out the group of opponents again with a massive dive to the outside:

That, however, actually opened up the door at WWE Extreme Rules as Roman came in and took out Balor. Momentum was then left up for grabs and, seemingly out of nowhere, an alliance formed between Wyatt and Joe. The two began destroying their competition. That continued even more so when they procured steps and ran around the ring taking everyone out.

Wyatt and Joe’s reign of terror over the Fatal 5-Way then moved into the ring, much to the misfortune of Balor. The duo methodically took apart Finn, hitting anything and everything on him. The beating only stopped when Rollins came in like a loose cannon and stunned them both. He pushed Samoa Joe aside, but Wyatt was able to stifle him with a big uppercut and then DDT onto the steps.

Back in the ring, however, Joe looked for the finish to the match. He locked in the Coquina Clutch on Balor, but Finn turned it around on him with a double stomp. Wyatt then took back control for the duo with a chair as he destroyed both Balor and Roman with shots. He teased turning on Joe, but then just delivered more punishment to Finn Balor.

Lo and behold, who should be the one to stop the newly formed duo but Roman Reigns himself. Ever the protector of his yard, he came in like a tour de force, running through both Bray and Joe. He then loaded up for the Superman Punch to start the end, but Samoa Joe saved him by pulling Reigns from the ring. The pair then teamed up again

Finally came the breakup of the alliance as Wyatt turned on Joe to save himself from Rollins again coming to try and change the momentum of the match. As such, Bray remained the aggressor and almost had the match won. However, Joe broke up the pin — and all hell broke loose as a result as those two duked it out.

Everyone started getting in on the action. Rollins continued to take people out.

But he was far from alone. Balor then grabbed the chair and began taking it to everyone as well. The match spilled to ringside, where Joe then caught Balor in the Coquina Clutch again. When that happened, though, Reigns came barging in and hit a massive spear through the barricade.

Meanwhile, Wyatt was laid out on an announce table, which was then taken out by a massive Frog Splash from Rollins.

The two men and former brothers then made their way into the ring and faced off. Reigns earned the advantage after a bit of even grappling. So much so that he was able to hit the Superman Punch and attempt a Spear. The latter missed, however, and Rollins was able to roll him up, strike and the hit a frog splash. But that was not enough either.

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Wyatt came to first, coming in and looking for Sister Abigail, but missed twice and then ate a Spear for his trouble. It then looked as if Roman might get the win, taking out Rollins and then Balor with a Superman Punch. However, the latter came to and hit a monster kick that laid out The Big Dog.

Then came the finish of the match.

Balor went up top and hit the Coup de Grace, having the match won. As he went for the pin, though, Samoa Joe popped in and — for the third time in the match — locked in the Coquina Clutch. Balor had no help and nowhere to go, passing out and making Samoa Joe the winner at WWE Extreme Rules and the No. 1 Contender.