Happy anniversary to Harry Potter, who just turned 20

Original cover of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Original cover of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone /

On Jun 26, 1997, the history of the Muggle world was forever changed, and Hogwarts, Quidditch, and Albus Dumbledore began their inevitable journey to the center of pop culture.

It may not be one of the dates etched into Harry Potter lore — those would be Oct. 31, July 31 and Sept. 1 (Voldemort’s attack, Harry’s birthday and the day students catch the Hogwarts Express, if there are any uninitiated out there). But June 26 is just as important.

It was on this day that JK Rowling’s hitherto private world of magic users living secretly in the UK opened it’s doors (or rather pages) to the public. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s (or Philosopher’s) Stone (almost) instantly became a worldwide sensation. Since Rowling was an unknown author at the time, it lacked a big marketing campaign, and the enthusiasm before the book was released in Britain was muted.

In the United States, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was not released until the following year. By that time it had already won several awards in Britain, and clearly had the makings of a dynasty. In one early review, USA Today said:

"Harry Potter also has echoes of children’s classics Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia. With the help of a noble if nitwitted giant, a few inept but big-hearted student magicians, even a concerned if somewhat distant centaur, Harry takes on powers bigger and stronger than him, growing older and wiser in the process."

At this point, there are over 400 million copies of the first Harry Potter book in print. It has been translated into 68 languages, and sold in upwards of 200 countries and/or territories.

The Potter fandom/community has expanded onto many different media platforms. In addition to the seven original books, there are now nine movies with four more on the way. Also, there is a play being produced and shown at the Palace Theater in London, four (and counting) Potter theme parks and a Rowling-approved web community. And those are just the official ones.

The fan community held the first Harry Potter fan convention (LeakyCon) inBoston in 2009, and has held one almost every year since. The Con has also expanded, and now some are held overseas as well. The first international LeakyCon was held in London in 2013, and it has been held in other countries since. This year, there is one being held in Dublin, Ireland.

Next: Meet the Potter fandom

Additionally, the series sparked the creation of a new genre of music (wizard rock), and at least one hilarious comedy musical.

However large the Potter world has grown, and will continue to grow, it all began on one seemingly ordinary day: June 26, 1997.
