Fireworks and barbecue smoke will surely be filling the air on 4th of July, but will the mail be delivered during the holiday?
Although the average American may not realize it, many people still heavily rely on mail delivery services this day and age. With most retailers advertising their products online, the U.S. Postal Service continues to be in heavy demand to ship their products to consumers. Will they be delivered on 4th of July though?
Unfortunately, those depending on their mail to be delivered during the holiday will be disappointed. Fourth of July is a federal holiday, which means all post offices will be closed during this time.
There will be no postal workers, or mailmen and women available to help deliver packages and letters. They will all be receiving the day off to celebrate with family and friends, as many American’s do. Hopefully, any packages that you’re expecting during this time arrive before then, or shortly after the holiday has passed.
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Let’s take a quick look at how the holiday came to fruition. Fourth of July has been a federal holiday here in the United States since 1941, according to For those who may not know, the holiday is celebrated to commemorate the day the United States gained its independence and became a nation.
Many people celebrate the holidays these days by gathering around with some friends and family, lighting fireworks, and lighting up their grills. It’s usually a great time to look back on the United State’s rich history. With that said though, most places of business tend to shut down for the holiday, so people have to prepare in advance for these festivities.