He certainly has one gnarly looking arm. All other heroes, beware.
Overwatch‘s long rumored hero is now a reality. Rocking face paint and one large spiky gauntlet, Doomfist is now live to play on the Public Test Region on PCs.
To announce its 25th hero, Overwatch released two videos on Thursday. One is animated and labeled as Doomfist’s origin story. It depicts some members of the Overwatch team attempting to take Doomfist down.
Unfortunately for them, Doomfist isn’t the type to go down without causing a whole mess of destruction.
We have two major takeaways from the above video. One is a glimpse of Doomfist’s ultimate ability Meteor Strike, which involves Doomfist slamming the ground with that fist of his and doing a whole mess of damage. Doomfist’s other abilities include Hand Cannon, his long-range weapon; Seismic Slam, a punch to the ground that brings enemies closer to him; Rising Uppercut; and Rocket Punch, a high-powered melee.
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The other takeaway from the video is that Doomfist is not voiced by Overwatch enthusiast and Doomfist’s biggest promoter, Terry Crews. The actor very publicly volunteered to voice the hero, even preemptively making an audition video for the role as well as visiting Blizzard headquarters. Alas, Doomfist’s actual voice has much more of a West African lilt as per the character’s background, which Jeff Kaplan explains in a developer update about the hero.
Kaplan delves into where Doomfist fits within the lore of Overwatch, revealing that Doomfist is a high-ranking member of the Talon organization, the same group that Reaper belongs to. Doomfist’s MO is creating conflict among humans, which is why an Overwatch strike team was sent to capture him. Overwatch was successful, but he’s broken out of prison and ready to resume his conflict-loving ways.
Now that we know Doomfist is coming, we only have two questions left. First, how will Doomfist play? And second, will Doomfist’s release be coupled with a special boss brawl where we get to play through the Overwatch mission of capturing Doomfist? In the origin story video, we see Tracer, Winston, and Genji attempt to take Doomfist down. Kaplan also mentions it in the developer video. This seems like the perfect opportunity for Overwatch to stretch its inventiveness and give us a fun new mode to try.