WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017 results: Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt video highlights


The Kingslayer met the Eater of Worlds at Great Balls of Fire, as Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt finally went to war on Sunday night.

Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt may have found themselves thrown into a bit of a random rivalry with each other, but it finally found itself in singles competition for just the second time ever on Sunday night at Great Balls of Fire.

The two have been taking verbal jabs at each other for weeks and weeks on RAW, and fans had been waiting for both superstars to finally just settle the score between each other in the ring. Rollins vowed to show Wyatt that he wasn’t a god like he claimed to be, and Wyatt aimed to take down the Kingslayer once and for all.

Rollins and Wyatt opened the show with a solid match, with Wyatt utlizing his usual mind games and Rollins going with his hyper-offense approach early in the battle.

The Kingslayer took some serious bumps in the early parts of the match, as he got caught going for a suicide dive on the Eater of Worlds, and later got thrown right into the barricade with some serious force.

Rollins eventually got things going at a faster pace that he could enjoy, and utilized plenty of dropkicks and his usual high-flying antics to his advantage on Wyatt to gain some momentum.

Wyatt got back in control, proclaiming that he was what a God looks like, and looked to end the match after some more of his mind games.

Wyatt eventually took advantage of Rollins letting his emotions get the best of him, and poked Rollins right in the eye while the referee wasn’t looking before hitting Sister Abigail for the win.

The match provided for a decent opener to a stacked card, and we got our first taste at what Great Balls of Fire would really be like.

Next: WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: Full match results

Now, it’ll be interesting to see where WWE goes with both Wyatt and Rollins from here, with SummerSlam just over a month away.