The 16 best soccer haircuts of all time

30 Jun 2002: Ronaldo of Brazil looks on during the Germany v Brazil, World Cup Final match played at the International Stadium Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan.
30 Jun 2002: Ronaldo of Brazil looks on during the Germany v Brazil, World Cup Final match played at the International Stadium Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan. /
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MILAN, ITALY – JUNE 19: Carlos Valderrama of Colombia and Thomas Haessler of Germany in action during the World Cup match between Germany and Colombia on June 19, 1990 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Bongarts/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY – JUNE 19: Carlos Valderrama of Colombia and Thomas Haessler of Germany in action during the World Cup match between Germany and Colombia on June 19, 1990 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Bongarts/Getty Images) /

4. Carlos Valderrama

It would be easy to mock this hairstyle, just as we have with the others on this list, and there’s no denying the ridiculous nature of the endless frizzy curls possessed by Carlos Valderrama.

But you never forget your first World Cup, and for countless people who are currently in their mid-30s, the sight of Valderrama at Italia ’90 will have blown their tiny minds (not least because he played well, too). He was certainly a sight to behold in my completed (#humblebrag) sticker album for the tournament.

Believe it or not, you didn’t see many people who looked like that in a small town in the middle of nowhere in central England. This image will forever be imprinted in my memory as a result.

What’s particularly remarkable about the photo on this sticker is the balance of the hair from left to right. Just as nobody bothers using the balance control on their stereo, few people have more hair on one side than on the other. Be it down to random chance, personal choice or a well timed gust of wind, Valderrama has a lot more hair on the right of the photo. This ensures that it fills the contours of the frame wonderfully. It’s almost as if he knew.

The Colombian is also yet another on this list with facial hair. If you look at the photo on the sticker, you can see that the very center of his mustache sailed south to rest under his mouth. Top work, Carlos.

You would think that Valderrama’s mane is the only hairstyle in this collection that has been immortalized in a statue. But you would be wrong, as we shall soon see.