Kevin Durant lets YouTube fan know that LeBron James isn’t better than him.
For about the past five years or so, Golden State Warriors superstar Kevin Durant has been widely considered as second best. Obviously, LeBron James was always in front of him. Despite winning his first championship, many believe Durant is still second.
However, Durant has had enough.
On YouTube, the four-time scoring champion posted a question, narrative or skill? Which one matters to you more?
While fans answered the question in the way it was presented, one guy decided to go left and state how LeBron is better than KD. In classic Durant fashion, he didn’t resist responding to the troll.

If you follow Durant on Twitter, you know the former MVP is known for getting back at fans. This is the first time I’ve noticed him in the YouTube comment section, however.
In 2013, Durant had an interview with Sports Illustrated‘s Lee Jenkins, where he stated his frustration of being second.
"“I’ve been second my whole life,” he said. “I was the second-best player in high school. I was the second pick in the draft. I’ve been second in the MVP voting three times. I came in second in the Finals. I’m tired of being second. I’m not going to settle for that. I’m done with it.”"
Well, for now, Durant is number one, as far as being a current champion goes. Nonetheless, in the eyes of many, the ‘King of Akron’ is still the best player in the world. It may take Durant repeating as NBA Finals MVP for the narrative to change in his favor.
Next: 30 richest players in the NBA
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