As if we couldn’t see this coming, Barcelona fans are already taking the flames to their Neymar jerseys.
After being with the club since 2013, the news finally dropped on Thursday that 25-year-old Brazilian sensation will no longer be with Spanish power Barcelona. After an entire summer filled with rumors and humungous dollar amounts, PSG officially announced that they have acquired one of the best young strikers in the world today.
PSG fans, of course, are very happy about their newest acquisition. Without a doubt, Neymar is one of the best players in the world today, and at his age, chances are he will only improve with his new club as time goes on.
Now, on the flip side of that, Barcelona fans are … well, simply put, they’re pissed off. Really, despite still having top players like Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi, they should be. They came up short last La Liga season to rival Real Madrid and now they’ve lost their bright young star.
So what do fans do when they lose one of their most beloved players? Come on, we all know the answer to this one. They go ahead, take the jersey of that player that they own, they head on outside and they torch it. Yep, burn that jersey!
When it comes to professional sports, no matter what country or sport, this has truly become a tradition unlike any other. When your star decides that he wants to make a decision that benefits his own life and family and it so happens that this decision doesn’t involve your team, you get irrationally mad at that player and torch his jersey that you probably paid a pretty penny for. You know, just like taking $100 outside and lighting it on fire.
Okay, yeah, it really is the dumbest thing in the world, yet fans will continue to do it. [Insert internet shrug guy here]