Game of Thrones season 7, episode 4 live stream: Watch online

Credit: Game of Thrones - Helen Sloan - HBO
Credit: Game of Thrones - Helen Sloan - HBO /

Daenerys and the Unsullied prepare for a huge battle at Casterly Rock, while Arya returns to Winterfell. Here’s how to watch Game of Thrones online.

With only seven episodes in Game of Thrones’ latest season, a lot of things are happening quickly. Jon Snow and Daenerys have teamed up to take down the White Walkers, Euron Greyjoy has become a formidable ally to Cersei, while the Starks are reuniting back at Winterfell.

While the most anticipated moment of “The Queen’s Justice” was Daenerys and Jon Snow’s meeting, the most important action happened in the last 10 minutes. The Unsullied wiped out a small Lannister fleet at Casterly Rock only to spring an ambush from Euron. Meanwhile, the Lannisters wiped out the Tyrells at Highgarden where Jaime helped Lady Olenna die in peace. With her last breath, she confessed to poisoning Joffrey.

Sansa also reunited with Bran for the first time since season 1. But Bran came back as the three-eyed raven and recounted the night Sansa was raped by Ramsay. It quickly turned a heartwarming scene into an uncomfortable one, and it showed just how much Bran has changed since their last encounter. Hopefully, the expected reunion between Sansa and Arya is much happier.

Here’s the synopsis for “The Spoils of War”:

"Daenerys fights back. Jaime faces an unexpected situation. Arya comes home."

So where can you catch tonight’s episodes of Game of Thrones and when will all of the action go down? We have all the information you need to know right here so you don’t miss a second of the action.

Related: Shop GoT merchandise and apparel at HBO Store

Date: Sunday, August 6
Start Time: 9 p.m. ET
Episode: “The Spoils of War”
TV Channel: HBO
Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2

Because of Game of Thrones’  popularityit was targeted by hackers who leaked both this episode and the script online. It’s unclear if that leak will affect the ratings for “The Spoils of War”, but any true Game of Thrones fan would’ve avoided that leak so that they could watch it in HD quality without a watermark. Good content should be supported by its fans, and seeing this happen is extremely unfortunate to all the people involved with the show.