The most anticipated fight of the year is on the horizon. Who should accompany Conor McGregor on his walk to the ring on Aug. 26?
Celebrities and other members of a fighter’s entourage accompanying them to the ring is a tradition in boxing.
The walk to the ring often sets the tone for the fight before either fighter even enters the ring. That tone depends on who is in the boxer’s entourage. A fighter can show his prestige with big name celebrities, show a lack of concern with his opponent with a mascot or try for intimidation with other top fighters or even his opponent’s past rivals.
The bigger the fight, the more over the top the walkouts can get. Boxers often add big names and other individuals to their normal entourage of friends and family.
We’ve seen champions escorting champions when Steph Curry carried Andre Ward’s belt to the ring for his fight against Paul Smith.
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel wore an outfit reminiscent of Run D.M.C. as he walked out with Manny Pacquiao.
Not to be outdone, Floyd Mayweather walked out to face Pacquiao with Justin Bieber and the Burger King.
Mayweather has reportedly invited Nate Diaz, the only man to defeat Conor McGregor in the UFC, to accompany him to the ring for his fight with the Irishman later this month. But what are some options for McGregor’s own entourage?
Here are five people who should walk Conor McGregor to the ring on Aug. 26 against Floyd Mayweather.