Kevin Durant on LeBron James: ‘You can’t trade a legend’

OAKLAND, CA - JUNE 12: Kevin Durant
OAKLAND, CA - JUNE 12: Kevin Durant /

Kevin Durant has been active on Twitter since winning his first NBA Championship and now he’s responding to a user that wants Cleveland to trade LeBron James.

It’s well known the relationship that Kevin Durant and LeBron James share. They both work out together in the offseason, share a relationship through Nike and also communicated heavily when Durant decided to join Golden State.

Ever since Durant has captured that elusive title, he’s been clapping back on Twitter to random trolls that have been calling him out. It’s one of the perks that come with being an NBA Champion.

On the other hand, LeBron has been watched under a microscope and constant speculation regarding his free agency in 2018.

Earlier today, Chris Sheridan reported that LeBron James is ‘100 percent’ not returning to Cleveland after next season.

Just as you’d expect, fans went wild on social media, photoshopping different jerseys on LeBron for his potential next destination.

One user on Twitter had this to say about LeBron:

Immediately, Durant responded saying this:

The conversation continued between the two, as the fan had this to say:

And Durant responded for one final time with this:

It’s not often you see NBA players commenting on other players when they’re both playing in the league.

The two have a lot of respect for each other and they were both actually playing a pickup game together in New York the day before with Carmelo Anthony as well.

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Most argue that if you know LeBron is leaving, why not get a return for him, rather than letting him walk in free agency for nothing.

But in James’ case, nobody knows what is going to happen during free agency next year. LeBron could very well decide to stay and the Cavaliers don’t want to get ahead of themselves and give up the best player their franchise has ever seen.