A new and fantastically named obstacle awaits the competitors on the Kansas City finals course of American Ninja Warrior.
How exactly the course designers of American Ninja Warrior expect anyone to finish the Kansas City finals round is absolutely beyond your humble previewer. The qualifying course proved to already be a test of upper body endurance, as I noted during that episode, thanks to featuring the Bar Hop, the Hang Glider and even Crank It Up.
If anyone manages to get up the Warped Wall, they then have to face the Salmon Ladder, a mysterious eighth obstacle that appears to be the Floating Monkey Bars in the below video (which the online fan wiki appears to have confirmed, as do NBC’s photos like the one above), the Elevator Climb at the end … and then a rock band?
Unfortunately, it will not be “Aces High” for anyone who makes it to the Iron Maiden. Check out the “Crashing the Course” video below.
Experienced ninjas will likely have more luck, since other obstacles like the Swinging Peg Board or even the Circuit Board have emphasized correct placement of handholds to minimize time spent hanging up in the air. However, as Grant McCartney also mentioned, the holds themselves look to be a bit slippery — he nearly didn’t make his own dismount, and he looked like he was at the bottom of the third and final board of the Iron Maiden.
He also went into that obstacle a lot more fresh than anyone running the full course will. To reiterate, this is the ninth obstacle.
Live streaming information is below.
"Date: Monday, Aug. 21Start Time: 8 p.m. ETChannel: NBCEpisode: “Kansas City City Finals”Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"
NEXT: Live streaming guide from FanSided
The Daytona Beach finals featured more than one ninja who lost their grips on the Elevator Climb.
With the Iron Maiden standing guard, it’s anyone’s guess if someone will even make it that far.