New details on Square Enix’s Avengers project

Official still for The Avengers Project announcement trailer; image courtesy of Marvel Entertainment.
Official still for The Avengers Project announcement trailer; image courtesy of Marvel Entertainment. /

Some fresh details have been revealed for the upcoming Square Enix and Marvel Avengers project. It’s looking like what we expected.

At long last, other than the Batman Arkham games, we’ll be getting some other great superhero games. We’ve already played some fun ones recently, such Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy from Telltale Games. We’re expecting plenty of others in the future, including Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man, which looks incredible. The upcoming Avengers game from Square Enix/Crystal Dynamics is one to keep on your radar. On Tuesday, new details were revealed, courtesy of a job listing.

From what we’re reading, it’s looking like your typical online MMO, which is what we expected. If you’ve ever played DC Universe Online, then this may be something similar to that. We won’t say gameplay wise, but how you interact with others in the social/online realm. This is all speculation as of right now because of the lack of details and gameplay. However, this is what we’re led to believe from what we do know.

Check out the position summary below to get a better idea:

"Reporting to the Lead Combat Designer, Crystal Dynamics is on the hunt for an experienced Combat Systems Designer. This Designer will be responsible for working with the Lead Designer, Lead Combat designer, and Game Directors to plan, prototype and build combat systems that directly apply to a 3rd person cover based action adventure game."

Check out the trailer below if you’ve never seen it:

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From the looks of it, the Avengers game will be a third-person action-adventure game. This isn’t very surprising considering the developer behind it. This is nothing new for these creators. For example, if you look at some past games, such as the recently rebooted Tomb Raider games, then you can get a good idea what to expect.

It’s still a bit weird, though. Then again, we trust Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics to deliver something special.