How long does it take to recover from a broken collarbone?


Sources believe the Bears’ Kevin White may have a season-ending broken collarbone. But how long does it take to return from a clavicle injury?

The Chicago Bears wide receiver left Sunday’s game against the Atlanta Falcons in the fourth quarter, first seen with his shoulder in a sling and holding his wrist. Now sources believe White’s facing a broken collarbone and season-ending surgery.

So, how long can Bears fans and/or fantasy football puppet masters expect White — and any other future players — to be out? How long does it take to recover from a broken collarbone?

According to FantasySportsMD, the timeline to return to play depends on complete bone healing and full, pain-free recovery of should strength and motion. Football players may require more time than non-contact sports athletes, but generally, you’re looking at three months:

"Athletes can commence assisted, gentle range of motion when they become pain-free and stop using the sling, usually by 4 to 6 weeks. Overhead activities can begin after clinical and radiographic findings confirm bone healing. Return to unrestricted sport activities is generally recommended 4 to 6 weeks after the complete healing, typically by 3 months after the injury or surgical fixation."

Regardless of whether White and Bears pursue surgery, which could create a definitive end to his season, non-surgical rehabilitation could still leave him on the sidelines until the start of December.

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When it comes to recovery time estimates, professional athletes are especially hard to estimate. On one hand, they have access to unparalleled medical resources and the time to dedicate themselves entirely to rehab and recovery. On the other, they’re returning to a level of contact and athleticism that’s similarly unparalleled in the average person’s world. This isn’t a question of “is he ready to return to the rec league” but rather, is his collarbone recovered enough to take NFL heavy hits? And that could mean months.