Is there a solution to the NFL national anthem protest?


The Dallas Cowboys may have inadvertently helped the NFL find a happy medium for their players who want to bring attention to inequality.

The NFL came together in a way it never had before after being attacked by President Donald J. Trump. Even Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined in, albeit on Monday night when he was  forced into doing something. The entire league participated in some form on Sunday. The Cowboys could still use a back-up quarterback. Wonder if there is anyone available who once started in the Super Bowl?

Jones and the Cowboys “took a knee” before the national anthem was played. Might this be a forward where the message players want delivered gets out, while certain NFL fans are not upset? Something for Roger Goodell and company to discuss. Thank you, Dallas.

Baseball’s playoffs are right around the corner. The Chicago Cubs will in all likelihood clinch the NL Central on their most hated rivals field, St. Louis. There was some love in the stands though courtesy of Addison Russell and “Nacho Man.”

Welcome to Oklahoma City, Carmelo Anthony. Melo finally wised up and got himself out of New York and onto a contender. Big challenges for Billy Donovan to bring Melo, Russell Westbrook and Paul George together playing team basketball. Getting by Golden State would be a borderline miracle, but the Thunder are in the discussion for who is the best in the west. Great offseason for OKC.

No surprise that Dwyane Wade forced his way out of Chicago and signed with Cleveland and his good pal LeBron. Wade saved the Bulls some money and put himself back in championship contention.

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