See the new gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2

Official still for Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer 2; image courtesy of Rockstar Games.
Official still for Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer 2; image courtesy of Rockstar Games.

Last week, Rockstar Games teased us with a Red Dead Redemption 2 announcement. Now, we have a new gameplay trailer and it’s incredible.

It seems we’ve been waiting years for Red Dead Redemption 2 to finally be a reality. The first game, Red Dead Redemption, is widely considered one of the great games of our generation. The plot is emotionally engaging, the world is vast and full of detail and exploration, and the gameplay is endlessly fun. It’s only right that Rockstar Games develops a sequel, and thankfully, it is. We haven’t seen or heard much since its reveal last year other than the game being delayed. However, we finally have our first piece of gameplay footage and we can’t contain our excitement.

From the looks of it, this game is looking to expand on everything the first one was. It’ll have a compelling storyline, a huge and explorable world, and memorable characters and gameplay. It’ll be hard to top the original in all of these aspects, but we have a feeling Rockstar has something special up its sleeve. From what we’re seeing, this is already a contender for game of the year, and that’s a bold claim considering all the great games that are in store for 2018.

Check out the new trailer below:

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The trailer gives us a new look at the character we’ll be playing as, known as Mr. Morgan. We also get a good idea of what the story will be about and the things we’ll have to do in the game. For example, the most important detail is it being a prequel. What’s most impressive are the graphics, which are absolutely amazing.

Throughout the years, Rockstar has always created its games with stunning visuals. From looking at the trailer, it’s evident this is on a whole other level.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will release in spring 2018 on the PS4 and Xbox One.