
Star Trek: Discovery ‘Into the Forest I Go’ review

courtesy of CBS
courtesy of CBS

The first half of Star Trek: Discovery’s season ends in a band as the Discovery finds itself in a desperate battle with the Klingon ship of the dead.

It’s time to boldly go and put the first half of Star Trek: Discovery‘s first season to rest. Discovery has both changed and honored the Star Trek franchise and we can’t wait to see where this ride is going to take us next. Unfortunately we will have to wait until January 9th to find out as this is the last Star Trek: Discovery episode until after the holidays.

The last we saw of the Discovery it was orbiting Phavo as the Klingon ship of the dead closed in. There seemed to be be little chance of Discovery defeating the huge Klingon ship with the ability to cloak, Michael Burnham however of course has a plan.

The Discovery will make hundreds of jumps with its spore drive and place two sensors on the bridge of the Klingon ship of the dead. This information will allow the Discovery to find the ship when it cloaks and hopefully destroy it. Obviously this is highly dangerous to Stamets. Stamets has been feeling the effects of the spore drive and this will kick it into ultra high gear. Meanwhile Burnham and Ash will beam over to the ship of the dead to place the sensors and probably fight about a billion Klingons. Things are about to get real for the Discovery.

Unfortunately for Burnham once aboard the ship of the dead Tyler Ash becomes useless because of a flashback. Now what it’s a flashback to, his torture or transformation, is up for debate. Burnham leaves Ash with the admiral who isn’t dead and makes her way to the bridge. It looks like Michael Burnham is going to have to complete this mission on her own.

Things are not going well. Burnham is soon forced into one on one battle with the Klingon leader Kol. Kol wanted to warp away and Burnham needed to keep the ship of the dead in place for the Discovery to find out how to defeat it. The Klingons always fall for the one on one challenge gambit.

Of course this is where you expect the mid-season cliffhanger right? Well luckily that’s not the way Star Trek: Discovery plays it. Star Trek: Discovery isn’t going the way of a lazy show like The Walking Dead. The cliffhanger isn’t if the Discovery wins the battle, they do. The cliffhanger is focused on the people, in true Star Trek fashion. Has Burnham earned a place back in Starfleet, what is the story behind Ash, will the Admiral replace Lorca, will Stamets be ok?

As we leave everything seems to be going well… until Ash has another flashback of Klingon sex and Stamets tries one last jump to get the crew home. Discovery has won the battle, but the war may just be getting started.