30 years of WWE Survivor Series: Ranking each event

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Photo credit: WWE.com
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Photo credit: WWE.com

6. Survivor Series 2007

2007 was an interesting time for WWE. They had three brands going at the time with Monday Night RAWSmackDown and ECW but they were able to get a nice mix set up for the 2007 edition of Survivor Series.

ECW opened the show as CM Punk defended his ECW Championship against The Miz and John Morrison in a Triple Threat Match. They didn’t get a lot of time to work but the trio certainly made the most out of the time they were given. There didn’t seem to be one dull moment and the crowd was crazy for Punk, who was becoming a bigger and bigger star by the minute. He retained his title in a very good opener.

The next two matches weren’t great with the 10-Diva tag match and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch beating a weird combo of Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly. But things picked back up with a great 4-on-5 elimination match that was used to put over Triple H and Jeff Hardy. Hardy was on his way to a big push and he and Triple H would have a number one contender match soon after. This was solid booking and told a great story.

Forgetting that the Great Khali vs. Hornswoggle match ever happened, the night continued with Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton facing off for the WWE Championship. The stipulations were that HBK could not use Sweet Chin Music and if Orton lost, he would lose the title. This match was done so well. Since Shawn couldn’t use his finisher, he tried to create different ways to win and that made for some great pinfall attempts. Orton looked fantastic as well and really raised his game to keep up with HBK. I thought this might be one more run for HBK but he was all about putting people over when necessary at this point in his career and did the honors for The Viper. Great match.

The main event couldn’t quite live up to that, even with Hell in a Cell in play, but it was entertaining nonetheless as Batista took on The Undertaker. Both were babyfaces and had the whole respect thing going. This was one of the great feuds of 2007 and the finish led to one of the great feuds of 2008 as Edge, disguised as a cameraman, cost ‘Taker the match. Great show.