Is South Park new tonight, November 22?

l-r: Eric Cartman, Heidi TurnerEpisode 2107"Doubling Down"Photo Credit: Comedy Central
l-r: Eric Cartman, Heidi TurnerEpisode 2107"Doubling Down"Photo Credit: Comedy Central

There are only two episodes left in South Park’s 21st season. But will they kick off the home stretch with a new episode tonight?

South Park’s latest season has been an uneven product. When it’s on, it’s really on, but when it isn’t, the episode winds up being pretty forgettable. Of course, the big promise that Matt Parker and Trey Stone made coming into season 21 was that they wouldn’t have a serialized arc, which they’ve followed through on. However, there has still been continuation, particularly with the Heidi and Cartman storyline which took an unexpected turn last episode.

Just when it looked like their relationship was through for good, Cartman convinced Heidi that Kyle was manipulating her feelings because he liked her. Heidi’s newfound hatred for Kyle, combined with her diet of “beyond” meat, made her a female version of Cartman — one that was too much for even him to handle. Even Mr. Mackey agreed that she’s “like Cartman, only with the ability to follow through.”

The new Heidi will almost certainly play a big role in the last two episodes of South Park. But anyone hoping to catch the penultimate episode tonight will be disappointed. The reason for it is pretty obvious, since Wednesday is Thanksgiving Eve and most people are pre-occupied with travel plans, watching holiday specials or Black Friday prep.

That doesn’t mean Comedy Central won’t show any South Park. In fact, they’re going to show two of their classic holiday episodes, “A History Channel Thanksgiving” and “The Black Friday Trilogy,” back-to-back starting at 9. As far as holiday specials go, you could do a lot worse than South Park’s Turkey day and Black Friday episodes. And anyone who wants to ‘member the glory days of the show can watch them and have a good laugh.

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When South Park does return, they’ll be coming in hot with what will likely be a two-part finale to close out season 21.