Christmas Letters from all 32 NFL teams
Happy Holidays, everyone.
If you’re like me, you have yet to start on your Christmas shopping and a frantically searching Amazon in hopes of stumbling upon a gift that your relatives fake like they enjoy. Growing up and having to shop is no fun.
Things were simpler when we were kids. We didn’t have to shop for that special person in our life, always worrying that they would outdo our gift. We just woke up on Christmas, feeling confident that Santa Claus would bestow upon us the things we asked for. And if he didn’t we only had ourselves to blame for being naughty throughout the year.
Some of us sat on the lap of Santa, smiling as he asked what we would like for Christmas. Others, like myself, wrote letters.
Every year, I would sit down with my pencil and paper, ready to craft the perfect letter to Santa Claus. I I filled him in on my year, excluding all of the bad stuff, and ended with the two items I wanted most under the tree on Christmas. Santa never replied to my letters, but I know he received them when I opened one of the gifts that I wanted. Some year, I opened both gifts. My letters must have been really good those years.
NFL teams are no different than our 8-year-old selves. They all want that Christmas morning feeling after a year of trying to remain nice. But NFL teams are busy and can’t always get around to writing their own Christmas letters. That’s why they have unknowingly enlisted my expertise to ensure they end up with something nice under the tree.