One can’t be expected to put together a giant Christmas dinner without being properly caffeinated — so is Starbucks open?
It’s Christmas, which means most of us are going to be spending the day surrounded by two things: the task of cooking a large meal and people we may or may not be able to tolerate. That means we’re going to need some motivation to get through the day and make sure the tasks are completed.
This means being properly caffeinated — which typically means Starbucks. But like most things this holiday season, there’s no guarantee that it will be open.
Some Starbucks will be open but a majority of them will remain closed for the holiday. Franchises are run differently store to store and there’s no overall rule saying that the stores need to remain closed. That’s a bit of a bummer for the baristas, who deserve a day off from making us something we can easily make on our own.
Always be sure to call ahead before leaving to try and get some coffee. That’s the only way to be sure whether or not the store will be open. If you can’t get to Starbucks to caffeinate yourself during Christmas, the store is going to be open the following day to keep up and moving during your post-holiday shopping spree.