Costco was closed on Christmas, but will the doors be open for us to spend some money the day after?
There’s nothing we as Americans love more than buying things that we either don’t need or don’t need a bulk stock of. You never knew you wanted a 50-pack of underwear until you found it, and now it’s all you want. That’s basically the model that Costco uses and it’s worked to varying degrees of practicality over the years.
In the wake of the post-Christmas frenzy, Costco is going to come in handy as we find ways to both plan for more meals with the family and ways to store all the food we cook.
If you’re looking to get out to Costco and stock up on bulk amounts of toilet paper and boxes of cereal, then you’re in luck. Where the store was closed on Christmas it’s going to be open the day after.
Unlike Walmart and other places, Costco actually gives its employees the day off on Christmas but that doesn’t mean they don’t rush back t the grind. When you think about it, Costco being open the day after Christmas makes a lot of sense — more so than it being open on Christmas. If you’re looking to buy something in bulk to cook on the day of Christmas, you’ve planned poorly and no amount of bulk butter and cheese will bail you out.
Costco being open the day after Christmas is a brilliant move, as it’s tailor-made for us to go spend money on things we don’t need and resets the cycle until next year. If that’s what you desire — or if you actually need something in bulk — then Costco will be open the day after Christmas.