
NBA games of the week: Thinking warm thoughts

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This edition of the NBA games of the week is brought to you by dreams of warmer days.

It’s cold. It’s really cold. It’s so cold that a 100-foot walk to the dumpster left my feet numb despite my shoes and socks and full gallop. It’s so cold that spending an entire day on the desert planet of Arrakis sounds like an all-inclusive trip to paradise.

It’s been a memorable two or so weeks of ridiculous cold. It’s the type of cold where you step out and it takes your body an extra second to register because it’s never experienced something so extreme. Then when you finally feel that first gust of wind sweep across a bare part of your body, you immediately realize that this is what frosbite and hypothermia feel like.

For me, my worst moment during the two weeks was a two-mile trek in the Bomb Cyclone, which is the exact type of rename I’d expect for a blizzard, and it’s such a dramatic name that could only exist in a time like 2018, just so I could buy a shovel and dig out a couple cars. I was pelted by 40 mph gusts and then shoveled for two hours. It was exhausting, but was a perfect excuse for skipping the gym for two days after.

But we’re almost there. The weather is breaking and mercifully the snow will melt. The cold front that’s assaulted parts of the United States is close to breaking. Sunday it will be a high of 20 degrees in southern New Jersey, where I am, and Monday will be 37 degrees. I may just wear shorts and a T-shirt to work that day. Here are the NBA games of the week based off our need for heat. Think warm thoughts.