Joe Buck is usually an easy target for the Twitter Mob on Sundays, and he tossed up a softball with his Frankenstein hair.
Whenever Joe Buck calls a game, people have a field day with it. Some people legitimately hate listening to him call games, where others play up the hatred of Buck. Either way, for an objective observer it’s entertaining, especially when he’s asking for it.
Buck was asking for it on Sunday.
Maybe it was bad lighting, maybe it was the salon’s fault. Something happened to make Joe Buck’s hair four different shades of blonde.
To be completely fair to Buck, freaking out over someone’s hair is incredibly stupid. It’s also incredibly 2018. Last night on SNL Colin Jost’s hair was a little off while he was doing The Weekend Update, and I remember thinking that anyone who gives him crap for it needs to find a new hobby.
Less than 12-hours later, here we are. Buck should blame the Saints for deciding to not show up on Sunday as the reason people had nothing better to do than zero in on his Frankenstein hair.
Naturally, people had a field day with it.
Before this game starts can we discuss how awful Joe Buck's hair looks? #NOvsMIN
— Kim Rossible (@kimrossible) January 14, 2018
Joe Buck... your hair...
— Matt LaPan (@Matt_LaPan) January 14, 2018
When Joe Buck went in to get his hair, sideburns and beard colored for the big game, did he ask for Neapolitan?
— Higgy (@MattHigg51) January 14, 2018
Buck gets a bad rap, to be honest. He’s not always perfect but he’s really good at what he does. Despite what you may think, Buck didn’t rise through the ranks of Fox Sports on his name alone, he packaged that with talent.
Of course, if he’s going to be on television with a target on his back then he has to make sure all of his ducks are in a row and his hair is all the same color.