
NBA games of the week: Annual Cavaliers struggle

OAKLAND, CA - DECEMBER 25: Kevin Durant
OAKLAND, CA - DECEMBER 25: Kevin Durant
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This edition of the NBA games of the week is brought you by the annual stretch of Cavaliers panic.

I commute into New York City for work. I’ve been doing it for about two years, and I’ve learned a couple things about the public transit system that’s turned me into one of those grumpy New York commuters. The worst revelation of all: It doesn’t matter what time I commute into New York City — from the earliest at 7 a.m. to the latest at 1 a.m. — there will always be an issue somewhere. A bus will be late, or there will be traffic, or a bus will have broken down in the Lincoln Tunnel because it has to cause the longest delay possible, or a train will be held up by dispatch, though you know there’s no traffic on the track because you’ve stood on the platform for almost a half hour.

I’ve come to describe these issues as perpetual and may even try to publish a paper in a science journal about the “The Law of New York’s Public Transportation System,” which states no matter if 99 things go right, the 100th has to go wrong, and it has to delay your journey to your destination by at least twice the original number.

My diatribes against the Big Apple aside, it seems the LeBron Cavaliers are in the same state of perpetuity as my trips across the Hudson. At some point throughout a season, no matter how much went well before or after, the Cavs are going to struggle. They’re going to grumble to the media and they’re going to have this emanating tension you can feel.

I get it, and perhaps this time does feel different considering they’re an old team and buoyed by the awesome talent of LeBron James. Worse for the Cavs, the Celtics and Raptors are getting and playing better. If the playoffs started today, they’d have to beat both Boston and Toronto to the Finals. It’s not crazy to think this might be the toughest year for LeBron’s Finals streak.

But, April is still far enough way that I’m not really worried about the Cavs until they’re out of the playoffs and LeBron leaves. Isaiah Thomas is still playing into game shape. They’re still 26-16 and another win streak could be coming. Forgive me, if January is too soon for me to give up on Warriors-Cavs IV.

So, if you haven’t noticed, this edition of the NBA games of the week focus on the Cavs and their struggles, because they exist. Just remember it doesn’t really matter yet.