Marvel’s Infinity Circuit tells you all you need to know about the Infinity Stones

Image courtesy of Marvel
Image courtesy of Marvel /

Considering their increasing importance in Marvel movies, a primer on the powers and whereabouts of the Infinity Stones is just what the doctor ordered.

The Infinity Stones are coming back in a big way, and Marvel wants to make sure we know all about them.

Many comic book and movie fans know at least a little bit about the Infinity Stones, incredibly powerful objects that give their wielders mastery over some of the most fundamental concepts imaginable. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is building to a bit of a crescendo where they are involved, with Thanos pursuing all six of the stones, a storyline that figures to be a major part of Avengers: Infinity War this May.

In the comics, Thanos has already had all six Infinity Gems, as they were known at the time, in his possession. That did not go well for just about every other living being in existence. The Marvel Universe has been torn asunder and reassembled since then, and the Infinity Stones are just now starting to come back into play.

With that in mind (no Mind Stone pun intended), Marvel released the Infinity Circuit, a cool visual that explains the powers of all six Stones and which heroes have possession of three of them. It’s also, naturally, a promotion for upcoming comics, so it serves as a tease for Infinity Countdown Prime #1 as well, where the whereabouts of the Soul, Mind and Time Stones will be revealed.

Infinity Circuit
Image courtesy of Marvel /

One interesting aspect of the Infinity Circuit that hasn’t always been the case is the way that it explains how a mastery of one thing can power the next Stone. For example, the Reality Stone is powered by one’s mastery of time, a concept that adds a new wrinkle to something we’ve seen pop up in stories repeatedly over the years.

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Even better, Marvel is promising that the Infinity Circuit will be updated as Infinity Countdown progresses and the Stones change hands. It all gets underway with Infinity Countdown Prime #1, which hits stores and digital in March.