Ranking and analyzing all 30 NBA City edition uniforms
6. Chicago Bulls
It’s a shame that not one Chicago sports team uses the beautiful light blue and red colors of the city flag. Rarely have we even seen it on alternates, despite its uniform-friendly design and unique color scheme. The Fire did use it recently, so maybe it’s becoming a trend: The Bulls unveiled great-looking light blue and red City alts, featuring the iconic front script and flag-style stars down the side.
Light blue and red is arguably the most underused color combination in sports (along with light blue and yellow and anything with gray featuring prominently), and while the Kings did it better than the Bulls as you’ll see soon, Chicago combined throwback elements and simplicity to create a tremendous set.
The flaws lie in the lack of light blue — it wouldn’t hurt to feature the color more, even though red is their primary hue. But including the script, representative of better days, was long overdue, and the stars down the sides work well.