Your guide lied, The Walking Dead is not 2 hours long tonight

Austin Amelio as Dwight, Steven Ogg as Simon - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Austin Amelio as Dwight, Steven Ogg as Simon - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The Walking Dead fans got their hopes up when they saw two hours dedicated to this week’s episode, but the lie detector determined that was a lie.

After last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, I searched for the episode summary on my DVR to see what next week’s episode would be about. To my surprise, I saw a two-hour episode of The Walking Dead was in store for today, Sunday, March 25. I got really excited because we’re on the precipice of the all-out war between Negan and the Saviors and Rick and The Hilltop from reaching a climax. I thought we were going to be in store for a rebound effort for the AMC series that’s been slow out of the gates in the back half of season 8.

As the week went on, I was envisioning all sorts of storylines and potential character deaths that could take place over this extended two-hour episode. For the first time in a while, I was looking forward to an episode of The Walking Dead after I’ve grown disillusioned in recent seasons.

But it wasn’t until Saturday that I discovered that my guide was lying to me this whole time. There won’t be an extended two-hour episode today.

The guide looked like this because after the episode ends, there will be a special sneak peek at AMC’s new series The Terror.

This was totally misleading and I am directing my outrage at AMC for getting my hopes up for The Walking Dead only to be duped into seeing a sneak peek of a show I don’t want to watch. And the more I thought about it, why wouldn’t they want to promote a special sneak peek of their new series instead of tricking viewers into thinking they’re seeing The Walking Dead.

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This doesn’t make me excited to see The Terror. If anything, I’ll not watch it out of spite for this deceitful bait and switch.