These 5 performers could steal the show at WrestleMania 34

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The biggest show of them all is set for this, Sunday and WWE has loaded up the card with all the stars. Even so, these five performers have the ability to steal the spotlight and be the best of WrestleMania 34.

Every year, WWE does their best to get as many guys and gals on the WrestleMania card as possible. This leads to multiple “main event” level matches and forces quite few stars that deserve a big time match further down the card than they should be. It also doesn’t help that WWE tries to shoehorn a bunch of part-timers in big money slots, but that’s a whole other article.

Since this happens without fail every year, the performers who deserve a brighter spotlight are left with one option: to steal the show. Their goal is to out-perform their place on the card. Maybe they won’t be on of the last matches to go on. That doesn’t mean they can’t leave a big impression on fans. Three of the biggest four matches on the card have major questions around them.

John Cena vs. the Undertaker may not be capable of being a good match. Undertaker just turned 53, after all. The mixed match of Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey vs Stephanie McMahon and Triple H features older wrestlers and two women with limited in-ring experience. This is especially true for Rousey. Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar is for the Universal Title but has every chance of getting booed out of the building.

A.J. Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura is sure to be a great match but they are obviously one of the main events of the evening. As good as it should be, those two don’t qualify fo the list. Some of the undercard matches have a very clear path to create their WrestleMania moment this Sunday. These five standout as the best candidates to do so.

Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal
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5. Bobby Roode

Match – Bobby Roode vs. Rusev vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Randy Orton (c) for the United States Championship

Let’s be totally honest here: The build to this particular match has been lackluster at best. Randy Orton bores a fairly large segment of fans. Jinder Mahal hasn’t clicked for many despite his run with the WWE Championship. Heck, even Bobby Roode has been just a guy since he came up from NXT. It’s not like he’s done anything wrong, but he’s never jumped off the screen. Rusev might be the most “over” guy in the match. Despite his incredible entrance, fans aren’t going out of their way for Roode.

The feud started over the “SmackDown Top 10 List,” and that’s a pretty flimsy reason for a fight. With all four guys firmly in the mid-card right now, it would serve them well to make every effort to shine in this match. This is especially true for Roode.

Orton’s track record speaks for itself as he is one of the most decorated wrestlers in WWE history. Mahal just was the champ for a significant period of time. Rusev may be a little short on accomplishment, but he’s getting good reactions from the crowd. Roode is still looking for that big moment. That time when fans and the powers that be realize just how good he’s capable of being. If Bobby Roode wants to take that next step in to the upper tier, this is a great chance to do it.

It’s past time for Roode to rise up and be as glorious as his entrance music proclaims him to be. He has the ability to go out and put on the match of the night, especially with Orton as a dance partner. That’s not a dig at Mahal or Rusev. If Roode can be the best in a match that includes a veteran like Orton, that should go a long way.