The NHL playoffs are upon us. Here are the 15 types of people you’ll run into in the coming weeks as the playoffs take over your city.
For die-hard hockey fans, the Stanley Cup playoffs are the most exciting time of the year. The NHL’s second season brings with it the highest highs and the lowest lows a sports fan will ever go through. In the end, it is all worth it to see your favorite team lift the Stanley Cup.
The playoffs are a special time. Fair-weather fans dust off the boxes of their team’s gear they keep stored in the attic, ready to go all-in as long as their team is around. The hardcore fans have been preparing for this moment all season. Then there are the large number of fans in the middle, who’ve followed along enough to know where their team stands.
There are more than just three types of hockey fans though, especially come playoff time. So many different types seemingly crawl out of the woodwork in April. Let’s break down the ultimate list of NHL playoff characters that you’ll run into over the coming months.

15. The Bandwagon Fan
Sometimes you just can’t control falling in love. The playoffs are filled with excitement, great teams, storylines, heroes, villains and casual fans who are ready to cling on to whoever has the best shot of winning the Cup.
Being a casual fan at playoff time is basically like being on The Bachelor. Sixteen beautiful teams are vying for your fandom. You have to pick one. Vegas is a total dreamboat, but also has this unknown “crazy” factor that you can’t wrap your head around. Winnipeg isn’t the best-looking, but is a really nice person! Nashville has it all. Total babe.
Most of all, regardless of who you choose, you come out looking like a jerk.
Enjoy the process. Jump on the bandwagon. Pick a team and stick with it. There are few fans these days who will admit it, but almost everyone was a bandwagon fan at some point. There’s a large population of fans born outside of cities with hockey teams that will just cheer for whichever team is winning (I see you New England Patriots fans).
This is infuriating to the hardcore fans, but it’s part of sports. Store this in your memory and use it to berate these people when your team beats theirs.