13. The Trash Talker
This person somehow has dirt on you and every single one of the players on your favorite team. She’s absolutely ruthless. She throws insults at you while also taking shots at your team, its history and any negative story that has ever come out in a players’ personal life.
It’s borderline impressive how much she’s researched the opposing team in a playoff matchup. It’s also impressive how hard she tries to seek out the one Tampa Bay fan she knows. You have to feel bad for anyone cheering for a smaller market team.
If you cheer for the Leafs, Bruins or Penguins, the trash talker will spread her hate across the multiple friends who cheer on these teams. If you are the single Columbus Blue Jackets fan in your town, watch out. These poor fans are who the trash talker feeds on.
Take everything the trash talker says in stride. She doesn’t actually hate you, she just hates your favorite team and everything they stand for. Once the playoffs end, you can forget about all of the dirt she dug up on you and go back to being regular friends.