28. Will Kevin Durant stay off Twitter?
What I Said Then: No.
I really wanted to answer yes. I wanted to say that Kevin Durant will be less involved on Twitter because he was caught using burner account and that he’ll now spend his time on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
What I’m Saying Now: Technically, there’s no way to prove that I was wrong. He sent a fairly normal amount of tweets from his personal account. Most of them were promo tweets and paid endorsements, making his Twitter account pretty boring. But who is to say that he wasn’t on one of his 35 burner accounts all season? There were a lot of people defending Durant in 280 characters this season. How do we know that those people weren’t Durant himself?
Maybe he stayed off Twitter, but that didn’t prevent him from taking shots at those who use Twitter as their own personal blogs. Here’s what he told famous blog writer Bill Simmons during the season:
“Can I make a PSA real quick? All your blog boys and your fanboys that’s gonna use everything I say and create an article — watch a basketball game. How about you write that. I just want to say that, because all these guys are gonna write articles and get real mad about what I said tonight … they’re gonna put their emotions into it. It’s not about you. Watch a basketball game. Enjoy the game. Stop worrying about me so much. I just wanted to say that.”
For a guy who doesn’t want blogger to be emotional, he sounds pretty emotional.
Kevin Durant didn’t stay off Twitter. He just started a blog.