30 biggest answers for the 2017-18 NBA season

SACRAMENTO, CA - JANUARY 8: Zaza Pachulia /
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27. Is the Process ready to make Progress?

What I Said Then: Yes, but only because they’ll make progress by just stepping on the court.

The best case scenario for the Sixers is that Simmons, Embiid, and Fultz play at least 65 games each. Wins and loses don’t matter. Winning is better, but losers are more lovable so it’s an even trade off. Staying healthy and just playing basketball is what matters.

What I’m Saying Now: The top Philadelphia draft pick missed most of the season with an injury that the organization shed no light on? A tradition unlike any other.

That said, Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons stayed healthy. Embiid even played back-to-back games late in the season. And the Sixers turned into a surprise team in the East. They were not a team who snuck into the playoffs. They firmly planted their flag in the playoffs and became a real threat at the end of the season.

Simmons turned out to be better than just about anyone could imagine. Robert Covington and Dario Saric took the next next. Embiid became one of the best two-way centers in the league in just his second real season. There was the Markelle Fultz controversy, but he returned late in the season and looked as confident as one could be following a year of criticism over his shooting motion.

They progressed fast than just about anyone could have imagined. They could win a playoff series. Even if they don’t win a playoff series, this season was a resounding success. Sixers fans are already planning the 2019 parade.

Calm down, Philadelphia fans. You just won the Super Bowl. You’re good for at least 20 years.