President Kirkman’s personal connection to Dr. Andrea Frost led to Agent Hannah Wells’ termination on Designated Survivor.
President Kirkman passed his private hearing brought on by his cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment on the last Designated Survivor … But Agent Hannah Wells did not pass hers, with President Kirkman terminating her from his administration in a one-on-one meeting. After the death of Agent Damian Rennett who was shot in her place, Wells set out to prove that Dr. Andrea Frost was responsible without a doubt. Wells was warned by National Security Advisor Aaron Shore that if she didn’t come in to The Oval Office with clear cut evidence that Dr. Frost was responsible, President Kirkman would have none of it.
Instead she chose to accost Dr. Frost publicly when she was having dinner, accusing her of sabotaging President Kirkman. Whether true or not, and hopefully not as it’s too predictable, it led to her dismissal. Dr. Frost had testified at President Kirkman’s hearing that he did share personal issues during conversation with her, leading Kendra Daynes to wonder she didn’t say otherwise. That there was no evidence for such a conversation and she could have easily covered for President Kirkman.
However, President Kirkman remained steadfast in his belief that Dr. Frost is a good person regardless of capabilities for sabotage. He’d also revealed to her that he told Dr. Adam Louden that he found her special, more than a friend. Clearly, President Kirkman holds romantic feelings for Dr. Frost that’ll be difficult to sway if she is indeed, the next Patrick Lloyd.
President Kirkman told Agent Wells that he had asked her to gather more evidence to prove Dr. Frost’s link and instead she essentially went rouge. Inadvertently embarrassing him and really tipping off Dr. Frost in the process. Her effective termination, considering she originally discovered the conspiracy behind Patrick Llyod in season 1, was the end of an era. Knowing Agent Wells she’ll likely try to work on her own though she’s experienced constant self-doubt as of late.
Agent Wells was devastated by Damian Rennett’s death and has come to the conclusion that everyone that gets close to her inevitably dies. It sounded similar to Jack Bauer’s talk in later 24 seasons. Hannah is clearly not herself since Rennett’s death and still secretly had feelings for him, even if she them from him.
The tip of the iceberg. #DesignatedSurvivor
— Designated Survivor (@DesignatedNFLX) April 26, 2018
Earlier in this Designated Survivor episode, Agent Wells accosted Attorney Ethan West with a conspiracy theory about his involvement. Only to discover he’d received his information from an anonymous tip/letter and hadn’t co-conspired with anyone. Though Hannah could have learned from this moment that public confrontation would work against her, she decided to attempt the same ploy on Dr. Frost anyway.
This led to much anger from Dr. Frost at the slander being pointed at her publicly. Dr. Frost would make it clear that if Agent Wells ever attempted something similar again, there would be repercussions.
Lyor makes a good point
Lyor made a great point about the wasted narrative that the leaker could be on of Aaron Shore, Hannah Wells, or Chuck Russnik. Instead of keeping us guessing, they’re already “vetted” and gave stern looks at Lyor (and really the audience) at the convenient plot patch-up.
Dr. Adam Louden’s leaked tapes at center of it all
President Kirkman's ability to lead the country is put into question. #DesignatedSurvivor
— Designated Survivor (@DesignatedNFLX) April 25, 2018
Dr. Adam Louden had to testify about his session notes for Ethan West. It truly tested the limits of patient-doctor confidentiality, especially when he’s asked if President Kirkman was fit for his office. Which Louden responded that he essentially doesn’t have the knowledge of a President’s responsibilities to speculate. A fair answer.
Trey Kirkman testifies due to confronting Ethan West
"I wouldn't call it a confrontation, it was a conversation."
— Designated Survivor (@DesignatedNFLX) April 27, 2018
Loyalty to Kirkman is everything. #DesignatedSurvivor
Trey’s subtle jab at Ethan West at the White House leads to him being called to testify. West then destroys his character and that of their mother, bringing up their secret medical past with relevance to Tom’s current therapy. Luckily, before too much damage can be done, Trey mentions that his brother does not have such a history.
Emily Rhodes wants Aaron Shore back
Emily Rhodes came to Aaron Shore’s office to reflect on their kiss one year later. She seemed to get over things with Seth pretty easy and hints that she wants Shore back. Emily subtly asks Aaron if he’s ever though about a sequel. Aaron, though, does not give in, saying they wouldn’t be working together a year later if there was one.
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