Brad Marchand saved his last playoff lick for the Canadiens

BOSTON, MA - MARCH 3: Brad Marchand
BOSTON, MA - MARCH 3: Brad Marchand /

Brad Marchand and the Boston Bruins may be out of the playoffs, but that hasn’t stopped him from getting in one last shot against his biggest rival.

It wouldn’t be a playoff run for the Boston Bruins if Brad Marchand wasn’t making headlines for his antics. In addition to his dirty play that went uncalled, Marchand made sure to get a few licks in against his opponents … literally. He was seen licking Leo Komarov in the first round, then Ryan Callahan in the second.

While it may have succeeded in getting the Toronto Maple Leafs under their skin, it didn’t work on the Tampa Bay Lightning, as they have just completed a gentleman’s sweep over the Bruins. Many fans have complained about how Marchand was allowed to get away with his antics — he was only called for a penalty twice all playoffs long, and got nothing more than a stern talking to for licking Callahan. But they’re at least treating the Bruins’ playoff exit as just desserts.

That includes the Montreal Canadiens, who are coming off a disappointing season and the no. 3 pick in the draft. They observed the Bruins’ playoff run from afar, and tried to sneak in a shot of their own:

Their attempt at subtweeting Marchand failed, as he saw it and directly responded to them:

As you can tell by the disparity in retweets and likes between the two tweets, it’s clear which side won. While Marchand would’ve had no defense had the Lightning tweeted that out, all he can do is point and laugh at the Canadiens. Not only did they not get to enjoy playoff hockey, they lost every single meeting against the Bruins this year. Marchand feasted on them too, scoring three times in four games.

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It’s rare for NHL players to be active on Twitter. Some of the biggest stars, including Sidney Crosby, don’t even have an account, and those that do go weeks or months without tweeting. That’s why, when we get someone like Roberto Luongo or Paul Bissonnette who is very active or when someone drops gold, fans eat it up. Marchand is the NHL’s biggest troll, and everyone may love to hate him, but like Draymond Green in the NBA, it wouldn’t be the same without him.