Fortnite Friday: Week 3 battle pass challenges, solo showdown LMT, famas burst

Credit: Epic Games
Credit: Epic Games /

Fortnite Friday is a weekly review of what is happening in the world of Fortnite. We cover the battle pass challenges, new game modes and any update information you need to know.

Fortnite Friday is a new weekly column covering everything happening around the popular 100-person multi-player showdown game, Fortnite Battle Royale. Every Friday, we’ll provide you with a cheat sheet for the weekly battle pass challenges, a “spark notes” version of the updates, as well as some highlights from the week’s game play.

This week we cover new challenges, new guns, the addition of health-increasing apples and a very exciting new limited time game mode (LMT).

First, we’re three weeks in to the battle pass challenges for Season 4. Hopefully by now you are up to speed on weeks one and two, so let’s help you finish up the third week’s challenges over the weekend. Hop on the battle bus and let’s get into it.

Battle pass challenges: Week 3

1. Watch a match replay (0/1) – Self-explanatory and likely only included to get players in to the replay section more often.

2. Deal damage with pistols to opponents (0/500) – This challenge is slightly more difficult and is likely going to give you a few L’s in the process of completing it. That’s okay. Pistols are everywhere and they aren’t terrible once you get the hang of them. Aim for the head.

3. Search Chests in Lonely Lodge (0/7) – The Lodge was getting even more lonely with the new map additions, so Epic wants you to go back there and fight over the sporadic chest layout. These are easy challenges if you just chip away at them in solo mode.

4. Search Rubber Duckies (0/10) – Remember the first time you heard the terrifying giggle of a lawn gnome back in Season 3? Any time you are near water, you’ll likely now hear a quacking noise of these little yellow rubber ducks. Here is a map on where to find them all:

5. Follow the treasure map found in Salty Springs (0/1) – If you are one of the people who actually look for the treasure map, the map itself will be very obvious (it’s the race track). If you are here specifically to skip that part, here is the location:

6. Sniper Rifle Eliminations (0/2) – Either brush up on your use of the scope and get the hang of the range finder or just use the hunting rifle.

7. Eliminate opponents in Tilted Towers (0/3) – This is the easiest one, just find a weapon and start shooting.

There is also a secret free battle pass tier to be unlocked after you have completed the Week 3 challenges. Once you’ve gotten through these, check this out for your free tier.

Limited time game modes

More than anything else, we should be excited for this new LMT. “Solo Showdown” gives you a chance to put your skills to the test against other gamers for a chance at in-game rewards (a boat-load of V bucks).

Here are the Solo Showdown rules, as well as a prize breakdown. In the explanation, Epic Games states that Solo Showdown is a “one-off stepping stone they are using to build great events for all types of players.”

They then go on to state that there will be a major announcement coming next week. Expect them to really ramp up the competitive play angle if the Solo Showdown LMT is successful.

The 50 vs. 50 mode is also still available.

Update v4.2 patch notes

You can read the full patch notes here. Here are the highlights:

Famas burst assault rifle – Burst-lovers rejoice! The new epic and legendary burst AR is a game changer. Dealing damage levels of 32/33 hp respectively, this new weapon can end a match in only a few short bursts.

Health Apples – Apples have been added in as a new forage item in the game. They provide a quick boost of five health. Apples can only be found on certain trees throughout the map. Here is an example of what they look like:

Damage Traps – Damage traps have been “nerfed” (damage lowered). Traps will now deal 75 damage instead of the previous 125. This seems to be the only downside of the update as the only gamers who would have been complaining about this are the ones that don’t responsibly check for traps on their way into buildings.

Epic has also added a new dance to the game:

Elimination of the week

This week’s EOTW comes from Chance Duncan (@MoNsTcR). Rocket riding is a tricky move to begin with, let alone adding the quick scope snipe elimination. Bravo.

Next: Battlefield V will be revealed next week

If you come across anything we might have missed or have any ideas on what should be included in these posts in the future, hit me on Twitter @TheRealBruin. Until next week!