Boston Red Sox
Whether it’s the Big Red B (not to be confused with the Big Red Machine Kane or the Big Red Dog Clifford) or socks that are literally red, everyone knows what the Red Sox logo looks like.
Once again, simplicity is king when it comes to baseball logos. The best logos are just letters with a distinct feature. In the case of the Red Sox, their distinct feature is using Tuscan font masquerading as a custom font that they call Bosox.
Say what you will about Boston sports, but they know how to do a simple logo and have it pop. You’re going to read plenty about Boston logos in the upcoming slides. Except for the Patriots. Their logo isn’t iconic. Tom Brady’s TB12 logo is more iconic than the actual Patriots logo.
You know who we can blame for the Big Red B becoming so iconic? Jimmy Fallon.
Sure, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are heralded as the two biggest Red Sox fans, but it was Fallon who made an entire movie dedicated to the Red Sox. And as luck would have it, it happened to be the same year they broke the curse. Fever Pitch is a good movie taken to a new level because the Yankees blew a 3-0 lead. If that comeback doesn’t happen, the Red Sox logo is still iconic due to the history and simplicity, but it’s Fallon’s fault that it’s the second most recognizable logo in baseball.