Exactly what transpired as the Capitals were stuck in an airplane for two hours

MUMBAI, INDIA - JULY 1, 2008: Monsoon Floods - Mumbai Monsoon Rain - Water logging - Aeroplane - Aeroplanes lined up for take off at Mumbai domestic airport on Tuesday. Plane services hit by heavy rain and the runway was closed for half an hour for poor visibility resulting delay and chaos at the airport. (Photo by Vijayananda Gupta/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
MUMBAI, INDIA - JULY 1, 2008: Monsoon Floods - Mumbai Monsoon Rain - Water logging - Aeroplane - Aeroplanes lined up for take off at Mumbai domestic airport on Tuesday. Plane services hit by heavy rain and the runway was closed for half an hour for poor visibility resulting delay and chaos at the airport. (Photo by Vijayananda Gupta/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) /

After arriving home from Game 2 on Wednesday, the Washington Capitals were stuck waiting in their plane as a heavy storm hit the area. FanSided has gained access to what transpired over the two-hour wait.

While this was but a minor inconvenience for the Washington Capitals, anyone who has ever been in a plane will tell you that this would be more than a mild annoyance for everyone involved. When a plane lands, you just want to get out of it as fast as possible.

A friend of mine in Washington had access to the in-flight security cameras and he’s sent them over to me to transcribe what went down for you. Here is how the two-hour wait went for the Washington Capitals.

(Disclaimer: None of the following events are actually true, and I do not have a friend at the Washington airport.)

Immediately after landing

T.J. Oshie stands up immediately. He was sitting in a window seat, but this didn’t seem to stop him from clambering over his fellow passengers to get to his oversized carry-on bag. Others looked on in disgust, as they should. “I have a connecting flight” he says, obviously lying.

Ovechkin sips on his fourth glass of vodka. He’s as calm as can be, joyfully flicking rolled up balls of paper at the back of Dmitry Orlov’s head. Orlov has no idea who is doing it, but he’s visibly starting to get upset.

Tom Wilson politely asks the flight attendant for a bag of pretzels. When the attendant turns his back to Wilson to get him a bag, Wilson absolutely levels him face first into the food cart. The attendant is unconscious. The captain comes out and says he will review the tapes and decide what to do with Wilson. “It’s just hard, physical passengering,” say those around Wilson.

Christian Djoos and Brooks Orpik are playing a game of cards, seemingly unfazed by what is going on around them. “Are we here yet?” asks Djoos. Orpik just stares at him blankly. He’s racking his brain trying to figure out if he scored a goal in the game that night or if it was a dream he had on the flight.

An hour in

Philip Grubauer was okay to begin with, but now he’s starting to panic. Braden Holtby is sitting two rows back, looking up at Grubauer occasionally. Instead of offering to help him, he resumes watching the new Jumanji movie.

Orlov is crying. He tells coach Barry Trotz that someone is teasing him but Trotz tells him to grow up because he might not be around to protect him next season.

Wilson hears back from the captain and he will not be restrained for his actions. He throws his hands in the air to celebrate, striking a nearby flight attendant and immediately rendering him unconscious. He immediately turns back and locks eyes with the captain. Back to the disciplinary review.

Lars Eller has joined the defensemen in their card game. Orpik is still lost in thought, trying to figure out if his goal was real. They ask Oshie if he’d like to join, but he reminds them that he is in more of a rush than they are and that he really needs to get ahead of them to leave. He’s placed his oversized carry-on next to Grubauer in what they’ve deemed the “extra baggage” area.

A flight attendant informs Ovechkin that they have run out of vodka. He is visibly upset as he pulls out his cell phone and dials a number listed as “NOT VLADIMIR PUTIN.”

Two hours in

Jumanji has ended and Holtby is in full focused playoff-Holtby mode as he looks over the seat to see Grubauer throwing up. He steps in, calm, cool, collected and sexy as ever with his lumberjack beard intact. “It’s okay, Grubey. I’ll save the day,” he says.

Oshie is has moved to the front of the plane, impatiently asking others to move out of his way because of the connecting flight he claims to have. He’s waiting at the door of the plane now, blocking the flight attendant’s access to the handle and keeping everyone on board longer.

Wilson sits in the front row, handcuffed to the seat. The captain decided the second hit was enough for an hour of shame and Wilson seems oddly calm about it, almost as if he enjoys it.

Ovechkin has finally calmed down as the effects of the vodka have worn off. As you can see, the stress has added a few grey hairs to his head and it would seem that the hangover is setting in:

In a strange series of events, The Golden Knights seem to have gotten some help from the Jets (get it?). The Capitals and Golden Knights play Game 3 of their series on Saturday at 8:00 p.m.

Next: Each NHL team’s most famous superfan

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