This week on Snowfall several characters had realizations of mortality and chose to live their lives to the fullest. With different results.
When Pedro showed up at the end of the Snowfall season 2 premiere, drama seemed imminent. After all, the last time Lucia or Gustavo dealt with him, they killed his father. But perhaps that’s just expected in the line of work, because he was only there about money, really. It sounded like he might have reformed a bit too: He had apparently met someone he wanted to marry. But who knows if that will actually happen.
Franklin was ambushed and captured by Teddy last week, and a bit beside himself when he woke up. It was one of the few times (so far) that we’ve really seen him lose control. He almost seemed panicked, fearing what was in store for him, fearing for the well-being of Leon who was taken with him, and who knows what else. This may have been his lowest point since coming into money/influence/the drug trade.
Teddy identified himself as Reed, and threatened them both with some kind of cattle-prod. It wasn’t entirely clear what information he wanted. It seemed more like a power play than anything else.
By (what seemed like) the next morning, people had finally realized that Leon and Franklin were missing. But they were still stuck in the warehouse. Lucia was also looking for him, albeit just to get ahold of his drugs. Though his people were at loose ends, they didn’t tell Lucia he was missing and promised to connect her to him.
In the warehouse, Teddy was running out of patience. He wanted to get Franklin under his thumb somehow. He ultimately put Franklin under enough pressure by threatening to kill Leon that Franklin offered to sell drugs for him (essentially taking Avi’s place). It took a bit to convince Teddy that he had the ability and connections to sell the quantity required, but he did, and a wonderful relationship was born. That was sarcasm.
In Franklin’s absence there was a bit of a power vacuum in his so-called business. The promise made to Lucia did not go over well with all involved. But some of that conflict may have just been stress because Franklin and Leon were still missing. Luckily Leon did show up before violence really kicked up, and he was able to at least promise that Franklin was all right and that he would be around shortly. It didn’t reassure everyone, but it did ease tensions a fair amount.
Pedro brought his fiancé/girlfriend to dinner, but she didn’t seem to know much about the family business, as it were, so conversation was a bit stifled. Later on though, Pedro admitted that she knew everything, and that they actually wanted back in the business.
Matt, Teddy’s brother, apparently always drinks when he’s flying the plane. That just doesn’t seem very smart, and it could end badly. The two of them took Franklin up, maybe to gain his trust? It definitely gave him a different perspective/new experience though. By the time Teddy/Reed returned him home he was comfortable enough to promise Teddy that, if he hurt anyone Franklin cared about it wouldn’t end well for him.
And we may be about to see what that means. What seemed like that same day two of Franklin’s people were ambushed and killed outside a store.
After all that Franklin decided to go home, for the first time in (probably) months. His mother made it clear to him that she knew what he was doing (in terms of his business) and he wasn’t welcome as long as the was the case. Both his ride in the plane and the fear he dealt with while held captive had a lasting effect. This is one of the first times the show has shown the effect that the drug industry can have on families and relationships, even of those who don’t use the drugs themselves. It allowed the episode to end on a rare moment of introspection, which added weight to the story. Something of a realization of mortality.
Next: 10 beloved shows fans saved from cancellation
Next Week
Teddy’s plans run into some roadblocks. Franklin searches for a murderer (and maybe finds him. Lucia has to decide what to do about Pedro’s interest in the family business.