28. Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks
Seahawks star Russell Wilson may tout that he has #NoTimeToSleep, but it’s clear that those waking hours don’t involve cornhole.
When he’s not busy raising a child with pop star wife Ciara or hosting any number of children’s award shows, Russell Wilson is apparently wearing hats like the one in the photo above. As I know from firsthand experience, nothing puts you more out of touch with local cornhole players than an outfit that looks like you’re about to saw your assistant in half.
While Wilson likely has the hookup for performance-enhancing bubbles, there is simply no such thing as a miracle on the cornhole pitch.
Another detriment to Wilson’s cornhole potential is the current state of the Seattle Seahawks’ offensive line, one that has made it difficult for him to be comfortable standing in one spot for longer than two seconds at a time. There’s no doubt that Wilson would be the greatest ever cornholer outside the board, but rules are rules and you wouldn’t want him as your teammate, constantly flinching and checking his blindside before each and every beanbag toss.
Lastly, Wilson is simply too positive of a person to last long on the brutal cornhole circuit. Just let me be negative for once, Russell. Just let me be negative.