CommishRx Fantasy Advice: “Why Can’t I Force My League to Draft?”


CommishRx Fantasy Advice: “Why Can’t I Force My League to Draft?”

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"Our league is set to draft this weekend, and I’ve had a loser bail on us. They haven’t officially pulled their team from the site so we can still hold a draft. I told the league we’d still do it and let his team auto-pick. I would give the new coach that team. I’m getting complaints that I shouldn’t draft until we get the new person. I don’t see what the big deal is. I want to get our draft over with. What am I missing?"

You should listen to whoever is telling you to wait. The next time you see them, shake their hand and tell them, “Thanks dude, from pulling me from the brink of despair.”

First and foremost, have you thought about what happens if the “loser” comes and removes their team on draft day? After all, they’re a loser. They just might do that. The idea of that happening alone should make you wait. Why would you gamble with the fate of the members of your league like that?

Secondly, let’s just say for argument’s sake this doesn’t happen, draft day comes and you can still go with the plan.

What’s the rush? You can change the draft date. You’re simply choosing not to do it.

I know a lot of leagues like to draft in July even before training camp starts. Unless we’re talking about Vegas high-stakes leagues, I personally don’t see why folks do it. Different strokes, different folks, I know – but it doesn’t make sense to me.

In fact, NFL training camps just started this last week. Already, players are getting injured. Meanwhile, some are still holding out or not reporting to camp. There are also key position battles that have barely started to play out. 

Why would you draft given these circumstances? 

Third, it’s not fair to the new member that you bring in. You have no idea what players they covet. You actually might, but I’ll go with the odds that you don’t. Give that person a chance to build their own team. I’m assuming this isn’t a keeper league (since you didn’t indicate that), so there’s no reason for them to inherit a team simply because you don’t want to wait.

If the members of your league are speaking up, pay attention. Members will complain for all kinds of reasons. Some of those reasons are more valid than others. In this case, why purposefully cause league disharmony when you don’t have to? The season hasn’t even started yet.

Holding the draft when (1), your league isn’t full, and (2) when no one is forcing you, isn’t a prudent move.

There are some decisions worth fighting for as a fantasy commissioner when you’ll have to stand your ground on matters that are important to you.

I would suggest this isn’t one of them.

You can do better by your league on this one. Slow your roll. 

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