New mayor-elect Kane talks about whether he’ll make WWE return

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Elected mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, Glenn Jacobs, also known as Kane from WWE, recently spoke to the Rolling Stone about the possibility of returning to WWE now that’s he’s going to be involved more with his role as a politician.

Glenn Jacobs, also known as Kane from WWE, recently spoke to Rolling Stone not long after he was elected mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. During that interview, not surprisingly, he was asked about if he will be returning to the WWE now that he’s taken a new role as a politician. Jacobs replied that while his main priority is to be mayor, he does not rule out on the possibility of returning for special appearances, as he pointed out that he isn’t distancing himself from the WWE.

“WWE is always going to be part of me and hopefully I’ll always be part of it,” said Jacobs.

“I haven’t ruled out making special appearances every now and then. My main priority is being mayor, of course. [My role in the WWE] does bring a lot of attention to Knox County, so that’s cool. It’s just a matter of making sure everything I do, WWE or any other outside stuff does not impact my role as mayor.”

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While it seems that Kane’s full-time role as a WWE wrestler has pretty much come to an end, although he has worked a much lighter schedule over the past year and a half, this doesn’t mean people won’t be able to see the Big Red Monster for a special occasion, like the Royal Rumble, for example. Kane will always go down as one of the greatest WWE performers of all-time, even just for his longevity alone. But now that Kane, or Glenn Jacobs for that matter, has taken an important role outside of the WWE, how much often will Kane be appearing for the company now that he’s elected mayor? Is it still a possibility that he may even wrestle one more match?